@Lift mi ha risposto aoerc.cn dicendomi questo...
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AeoRC ADH50 (C05 New Improved Version) Outrunner Brushless Motor
The shaft in 1mm diameter because this can have stocked Walkera pinions used on it. 4#3B is 1mm dismater.
ADH50 (C05) is new improved version. It is lighter and smaller.
Shaft (Diameter): 1mm (Stock Pinion Can be Used)
Mounting Screws are included.
Thrust: 90gKV: 11300
Aeorc.cn mi ha detto:
Our AEO ADH50 motor now is called "C05M',you can buy on our website:
C05M - Motor Aero Electronics Operations - AEO Tech
in un altra e-mail mi ha detto questo
Sorry,the shaft diameter is 1.5mm,not 1mm.And the thrust up to 80g
You can check the website link:
C05M - Motor Aero Electronics Operations - AEO Tech are test data for reference
Mi domando tu non hai preso quello con l'albero da 1 mm? ADH 50