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Vecchio 19 aprile 11, 07:15   #2136 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di uguii
Data registr.: 18-02-2011
Messaggi: 84
Si sono degnati eccome,
questa era la mia mail:
I am a staunch supporter of your products.
I have a E-Revo 1 / 16 VXL and I wonder why you don't do a turnbuckle/pushrod set for it.
If so you would have no doubt a lot of enthusiastic customers like me who would buy it.
Thank you for your attention and response.

e questa la risposta:
Dear Mr. uguii,
Thank you for your confidence in RPM products. We try our best to make the most rugged and durable products and at reasonable prices and it is always a pleasure to hear from end users such as yourself that appreciate the efforts we place into each and every part we build. Thank you for noticing!
With respect to turnbuckles and pushrods, I'm afraid we simply haven't had the time to get to them just yet. Our R&D department has been flooded with requests for parts, and that doesn't even include the parts that they've come up with in-house that are needing to be made. Please continue to be patient with us and with a little luck, hopefully we'll be able to make some of those parts for you in the not too distant future.
Take care and thank you for your interest and support of RPM products. If you have any other questions or comments, please feel free to send us another e-mail.

Le faccine, ovviamente, sono le mie.
Spesso sostengo lunghe conversazioni con me stesso e sono così intelligente che a volte non capisco nemmeno una parola di quello che dico.
La stupidità degli altri mi affascina, ma preferisco la mia.
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