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Vecchio 19 marzo 11, 22:37   #1845 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di fcava
Data registr.: 20-07-2009
Residenza: Como
Messaggi: 1.978
Per me in traxxas stanno lavorando sugli ingranaggi in metallo per il servo...

Glie l'ho chiesto e mi hanno risposto così:

Hello, I do not know what will be coming out in the future. Our Engineering department does not release information on what they are planning next. Just keep an eye out on Traxxas - The Fastest Name in Radio Control! | since that is where our new product information shows up first
Yoko YZ-2 // Tekno EB410 // Losi Mini8 // Traxxas mini e-revo // Team Magic E5
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