Discussione: E-flite Blade mCP X
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Vecchio 13 marzo 11, 23:24   #1386 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 08-03-2010
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LOL nessuno ha speso mezza parola per questo post, eppure vi stanno dicendo che siete tutti dei visionari :-) :-) V'ha spaventato la lunghezza del post o l'inglese? :-) :-)

It is written, that there are problems with blade holders and bearings. We have checked those comments and unfortunately could not find those problems, neither in our lab in the US, nor in our service station in Germany, nor in our manufacturing facility in China
We have a tensile test performed on the rotor with a load of 35kg and could pull off the blade grip in any case of the camps. In flight, in accordance with existing calculations the maximum tensile is 3kg. We want to ignore the two cases, not known to us, are they investigate further, because the time is unclear whether the helicopter in question previously had a crash and so a base damage as a result of that could be developed. There are scattered wild theories that claim that the bearings have been installed incorrectly. These theories are groundless.
The Blade mCP X has been developed to the best of my knowledge and belief of Horizon and represents the state of the art dar. There is certainly no unsafe product, and the pilot is much enjoyment, when operated with due caution.

lo scrittore sì che ha lo state of art della diplomacy*** (se dicesse cose diverse non lo pagherebbero)

*** facc'e' bbronz'
il Limbo è peggio dell' Inferno perché non ha porte né scale per il Paradiso // la mia moto va a benza, il mio eli a lipo, io a metafore... e para-dossi. E presto anche a lama da taglio
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