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Vecchio 26 gennaio 11, 11:45   #14 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 29-11-2010
Residenza: Trieste
Messaggi: 147
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miss amy ha risposto e conosce bene rug ehehehhe ( grazie a lui ho avuto lo sconto )

risposta :

Dear Adry,

You must be ruggero's friend.
If we change the tail servo with the Align DS520, the price of the Tarot 450 Sport V3 3D RC Helicopter Receiver-Ready (Carbon Fiber Edition) w/o Transmitter will be $248. We will add the main blade holder onto the helicopter.
The shipping cost of this heli to your place is $49 by EMS.
Together it is $297. Since you are ruggers's friend, i will give you $10 discount or give you some parts for free.


A questo punto richiedo le pale in legno, siccome non avevo un conto paypal l'ho fatto ma ci vogliono un paio di gg per attivarlo con la carta, quindi attorno a lunedi martedi faro' l'acquisto !!!!!
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