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Vecchio 05 gennaio 11, 11:03   #1688 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 10-03-2010
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Grazie Egidio e Luigi, sempre precisi e puntuali.

Trovato ciò che cercavo, che riporto qui giusto per ritrovarlo più facilmente.

Dal forum Beastx:

No problem,

since the first version of satellite support i've implemented back in 2008 (old BIG BeASt) the Beast was able to work with any frequency comming from the satellites ( from 3ms to 80ms) and also supported 1024 and 2048. This will not change in the actual implementation for the microbeast.

BTW: the time given by spektrum (11ms /22ms) is only the transmition rate of the raw data frames. This does not mean that each of the channel data are transmitted with each frame.
On a 22ms spektrum setup each 22ms a frame of 14 databytes (+2 header) is transmitted.
On a 11ms setup each 11ms a 14byte frame is done.
Each channel has it's own channel identifier and one channel data. Channel data + identifier uses 2 bytes.
On the 11ms double of data is transmitted. This additional data (compared to 22ms) can eighter be used for speeding up a couple of channels (e.g. aileron, elevator, pitch) or it can be used to transmite more than 7 channels within 22ms.
The spektrum system is very flexible regarding the transmittion data.

best regards,
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