Discussione: Modelli e limiti
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Vecchio 11 dicembre 10, 20:42   #608 (permalink)  Top
John Doe
Data registr.: 13-09-2010
Residenza: Vicenza
Messaggi: 235
Immagini: 3
Originalmente inviato da staudacher300 Visualizza messaggio
Non so che dirti, il punto deve essere tutto qui penso
Sono altresì considerati aeromobili i mezzi aerei a pilotaggio remoto, definiti come tali dalle leggi speciali, dai regolamenti dell'Ente Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile (ENAC) e, per quelli militari, dai decreti del Ministero della difesa.
ecco la fonte: http://www.difesa.it/NR/rdonlyres/FF...811/Art743.pdf
Un "mezzo aereo a pilotaggio remoto" non è altro che un "unmanned aerial vehicle" (UAV), conosciuto anche come "remotely piloted vehicle" (RPV) o "unmanned aircraft system" (UAS).

Unmanned aerial vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV; also known as a remotely piloted vehicle or RPV, or Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)) is an aircraft that is flown by a pilot or a navigator (now called Combat Systems Officer) depending on the different Air Forces; however, without a human crew on board the aircraft. Their largest uses are in military applications.

FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)

Integrating Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) into the Global ATM System - Federal Aviation Administration (PDF)

Model Aircraft – Small UAS Aviation Rulemaking Committee (sUAS) Recommendations

• Model Aircraft operations allowed for recreational use without further consideration “IF” certain condition are met

• Model Aircraft operations not conducted in accordance with an FAA accepted set of standards established and administered by a community based association shall:

• Operate at or below 400’ AGL
• Not to exceed 55 pounds
• Remain within Visual Line of Sight and clear of clouds
• Not be operated within 4 nm of the airport or heliport without permission of the airport/heliport and Air Traffic Control facility
• Objective is to allow for hobbyist to continue to enjoy Model Aviation in a safe manner - Is only intend for recreational use

Ultima modifica di John Doe : 11 dicembre 10 alle ore 20:46
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