Originalmente inviato da staudacher300 Non so che dirti, il punto deve essere tutto qui penso Citazione:
Sono altresì considerati aeromobili i mezzi aerei a pilotaggio remoto, definiti come tali dalle leggi speciali, dai regolamenti dell'Ente Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile (ENAC) e, per quelli militari, dai decreti del Ministero della difesa.
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Un "mezzo aereo a pilotaggio remoto" non è altro che un "unmanned aerial vehicle" (UAV), conosciuto anche come "remotely piloted vehicle" (RPV) o "unmanned aircraft system" (UAS).
Unmanned aerial vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Citazione:
An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV; also known as a remotely piloted vehicle or RPV, or Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)) is an aircraft that is flown by a pilot or a navigator (now called Combat Systems Officer) depending on the different Air Forces; however, without a human crew on board the aircraft. Their largest uses are in military applications.
FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)
Integrating Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) into the Global ATM System - Federal Aviation Administration (PDF)
Model Aircraft Small UAS Aviation Rulemaking Committee (sUAS) Recommendations
Model Aircraft operations allowed for recreational use without further consideration IF certain condition are met
Model Aircraft operations not conducted in accordance with an FAA accepted set of standards established and administered by a community based association shall:
Operate at or below 400 AGL
Not to exceed 55 pounds
Remain within Visual Line of Sight and clear of clouds
Not be operated within 4 nm of the airport or heliport without permission of the airport/heliport and Air Traffic Control facility
Objective is to allow for hobbyist to continue to enjoy Model Aviation in a safe manner - Is only intend for recreational use