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Vecchio 24 novembre 10, 22:16   #1375 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 08-04-2007
Residenza: Nuvolera (BS)
Messaggi: 3.888
Immagini: 1
E' vero: alcune lettere non corrispondono più .
Fortunatamente io non ho memoria e leggo sempre il libretto, quando devo fare il setup .

Per via del bug, non c'è :
Pag. 37 (punto C)
There is a relationship between the setting of the tail servo center position pulse and the tail servo frequency (menu point D). If a tail servo center position pulse is selected that does not allow a certain frequency, this frequency is automatically reduced. The center position pulse-setting always has priority, since a servo can run without problems at a too low frequency but can not be operated with an incorrect center position pulse.

Pag. 38 (punto D)
Please note that depending on the tail servo center position pulse chosen at setup point C, you may not be able to choose a frequency higher than 333Hz. This also applies to the „user defi ned“ setting which might be limited to 333Hz (see also page 37).

"Quanto più ci innalziamo, tanto più piccoli sembriamo a quelli che non possono volare" (F. N.)
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