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Vecchio 06 novembre 10, 18:16   #175 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 29-11-2002
Residenza: Mountain View, CA
Messaggi: 4.390
Originalmente inviato da Gene57 Visualizza messaggio
chi si prende la briga di trovare i regolamenti degli altri paesi ?
o non li vuole tirare fuori nessuno perche' sono tutti simili a questo e pertanto non si potrebbe piu' continuare a piangerci sopra e fare le vittime del sistema (che sia Fiam, AeCI o Enac) ?
Regolamento di sicurezza AMA, versione 2011:

A. GENERAL: A model aircraft is a non-human-carrying aircraft capable of sustained flight in the atmosphere. It may not exceed limitations of this code and is intended exclusively for sport, recreation and/or competition. All model flights must be conducted in accordance with this safety code and any additional rules specific to the flying site.
1. Model aircraft will not be flown:
(a) In a careless or reckless manner.
(b) At a location where model aircraft activities are prohibited.
2. Model aircraft pilots will:
(a) Yield the right of way to all man carrying aircraft.
(b) See and avoid all aircraft and a spotter must be used when appropriate. (AMA Document #540-D-See and Avoid Guidance.)
(c) Not fly higher than approximately 400 feet above ground level within three (3) miles of an airport, without notifying the airport operator.
(d) Not interfere with operations and traffic patterns at any airport, heliport or seaplane base except where there is a mixed use agreement.
(e) Not exceed a takeoff weight, including fuel, of 55 pounds unless in compliance with the AMA Large Model Aircraft program. (AMA Document 520-A)
(f) Ensure the aircraft is identified with the name and address or AMA number of the owner on the inside or affixed to the outside of the model aircraft.
(This does not apply to model aircraft flown indoors).
(g) Not operate aircraft with metal-blade propellers or with gaseous boosts except for helicopters operated under the provisions of AMA Document #555.
(h) Not operate model aircraft while under the influence of alcohol or while using any drug which could adversely affect the pilot’s ability to safely control
the model.
(i) Not operate model aircraft carrying pyrotechnic devices which explode or burn, or any device which propels a projectile or drops any object that creates a hazard to persons or property.
Se serve che traduca ditelo, comunque traduco le regole principali relative all'altezza dei modelli:

I piloti di aeromodelli (...omissis...):
- non devono volare ad altezza dal terreno superiore a 400 piedi circa (120 metri, n.d.t.) entro un raggio di 3 miglia da un aeroporto, senza avere prima avvisato gli operatori aeroportuali.
- non devono interferire con le operazioni aeroportuali e con i circuiti di traffico di qualunque aeroporto, eliporto o idroscalo, ad eccezione dei casi in cui esista un accordo di uso promiscuo.
La trovo estremamente ragionevole.
The number you dialed is imaginary. Please rotate your phone 90 degrees and redial.
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