punto 8 vuole tornare a 2,5ccm come motorizzazione unica...
con i 1200g non ho problemi, ultimo Thun a Treviso pesava 1485g!
si, i 450s c'erano già ai WASG, ma chi e come si misura?Gli elettricari
tedeschi vorrebbero togliere sto punto , ma ci sono forti resistenze
il thun che avevo da 1200g era pero praticamente un 3,5ccm
interessante mi pare questo
Mit Zitat antwortenDiesen Beitrag meldenProposal 25 § 3.1 part of rule - gears
von Rainer am 04.11.2010, 00:18
Part of rule 2009-2010
If the original aircraft had fixed undercarriage or floatation devices the model aircraft must
have these also.
Proposal from: Moldowa, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus Estonia
Allow the use of the models without gears, if the prototype had non-retractable gears.
Reason (Justification):
It is needed, because the rule about the need of use of the non-retractable gears makes the use of the prototypes such as Stuka not an easy way. Thus, it also shortens the number of suitable prototypes.
If you build a Stuka without gear it do not looks like a Stuka. You can make the gears from Balsa plate and you have not really more weight or work.
Every fixed gear must be build since the begin of ACES. It was always outside the 2 cm rule, it was only sawn different in different nations.
1. IC ACES international
1. NC ACES Germany
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Mit Zitat antwortenDiesen Beitrag meldenRe: Proposal 25 § 3.1 part of rule - gears
von spitfiremk1uk am 04.11.2010, 18:18
I am in simple agreement with rainer although we do not and did not need extra rules for these issues.
A model of an aircraft with fixed undercarriage must conform to the 2cm rule. ANY fixed undercarriage must be fitted to the model also.
There is no need to explain with words it is simply measurement that has been in the rules from the very first days of aircombat.
Yes a stuka MUST have wheels!spitfiremk1uk
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Registriert: 13.10.2008, 12:35
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potrebbero di nuovo romperci i cosidetti per il late299 e i flottanti.....
Chi trova errori di grammatica, se li può tenere!