Discussione: Spektrum Dx8
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Vecchio 05 novembre 10, 23:23   #433 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 10-03-2010
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DX8 Un-commanded Servo Movement Service Bulletin
Recently, the Horizon Hobby Service Center has received a small number of reports from customers claiming un-commanded servo movements and loss of RF link during the activation of the vibrator motor in some DX8’s from the initial shipment.
Horizon requests that all DX8 customers with the Product ID (PID) HS008X or HS009X found in the battery compartment carefully check their radios to determine if their transmitter has this issue prior to flying.

Transmitters with a PID other than HS008X or HS009X are not affected by this bulletin.

If you have a DX8 with the affected PID, please perform the following test.
Step 1: If your model is electric, unplug motor leads from ESC for safety.
Step 2: In the function list, select Timer Screen and set a 0:10s Count Down timer to Tone/Vibe.
Step 3: With model powered on and connection established, activate timer and observe servos for un-commanded movement and receiver for loss of RF link.

Should you find that your transmitter is affected by this issue, please contact your nearest Spektrum authorized service center to arrange for a free upgrade to your DX8 performed by a Horizon Hobby authorized Technician.
Click here to complete the Spektrum DX8 Return Request form.
You may also e-mail the Horizon Hobby Product Support team. Please type "DX8 Return Request Form" in the subject line.
Please include your shipping address, daytime phone number, and PID code from your Spektrum DX8 transmitter. Click here to e-mail Product Support.
Horizon will pay for all ground shipping.
If you have further questions, please call Horizon Hobby Product Support at 877-504-0233.
Consumers outside the US and Canada should contact their local retailer or distributor. A list of International distributors may be found at: Horizon Hobby: Store Locator.
As with all RC aircraft, please check your transmitter and equipment prior to each flight.
Horizon Hobby and the Spektrum team apologize for this inconvenience.

per chi non ne fosse al corrente, meglio controllare.
se il codice corrisponde (come il mio) è meglio fare ripetute prove a terra senza motore.
alla radio verrà messo un condensatore sul vibratore e credo ritarato il modulo rf.
Si, io ho già fatto un sacco di controlli, visto che anche la mia ha il codice incriminato. Sembra a posto, ma come giustamente osservano oltreoceano, non possiamo sapere se prima o poi la vibrazione non inneschi il problema, e se sei in volo...
Alcuni per paura, disinseriscono la vibrazione, ma io la trovo oltremodo utile.

Riguardo i files di settaggio dei modelli, non so come fare l'upload a Spektrum...

Forse ho capito che intendevi fare l'upload qui sul forum.
Stasera non posso. Ci provo domani.
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