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Vecchio 19 ottobre 10, 23:09   #263 (permalink)  Top
Maggio 2013 Filippo è decollato per sempre
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Data registr.: 19-11-2006
Residenza: Roma
Messaggi: 202
Originalmente inviato da Frans Bal Visualizza messaggio
Hello to you all,

Nice to read that you all are having fun flying the MiMi.
Sorry that i contributed in getting some of you addicted to flying DLG and especially the MiMi
Like Fillis writes i still have some sanding templates left.

Have fun

Frans thanks for getting into our local MIMI discussion. Your are always welcome. What a honour to have you here!
As you can see your MIMI is catching more and more people (have a look at post # 226's subject ...)

In case google translation doesn't work properly: here SANDROS is building a build up version (coping with his wife laundry issues). BIGFOOT is very happy about his MIMI and he is looking for thermals which, apparently, can not find so easily.

X tutti quelli che non conoscono l'inglese:
Frans dispone di dime per produrre l'ala in balsa piena (build up). Chi desidera avere le dime gia' fatte puo contattarlo. Lo suggerisco per chi vuole risparmiare tempo e avere accuratezza nel lavoro.

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