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Vecchio 02 ottobre 10, 18:36   #2522 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 04-07-2010
Messaggi: 78
stavo leggendo un po di commenti su HC circa la qualita' dei ricambi del nostro ely.
Mentre guardavo le recensioni, un utente, a proposito del caricabatterie da parete, affermava che:
This charger only charge a half of capacity to my batteries. If I insert to the transmitter one batterie full charged with it, the transmitter continues loading for 15 minutes. If I try to fly with a batterie charged with this charger, the SoloPro only fly 2-3 minutes, if I charge same batterie with transmitter, I can fly up to 10 minutes. Bad deal. Hobby King technical service refuse to refund me without the devolution of the charger.
Davvero e' meglio ricaricarle dal telecomando?
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