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Vecchio 18 settembre 10, 16:49   #9 (permalink)  Top
John Doe
Data registr.: 13-09-2010
Residenza: Vicenza
Messaggi: 235
Immagini: 3
18 settembre 1940 - Spitfire in volo rovescio a bassa quota su Broad Street

"In 1940, 27-year-old Henshaw moved to Castle Bromwich as the aerodrome's chief test pilot not just flying Spitfires, but also Hurricanes, Wellingtons and Lancasters.
Henshaw earned a reputation for being a maverick and is the only person known to have barrel-rolled a Lancaster with crew on board to verify this daring and dangerous feat. He mentions two occasions in his autobiography both at Castle Bromwich. The first occasion was an 'act of devilment', showing off to a visiting test pilot. He also mentions a time when his co-pilot (a test pilot from Czechoslovakia called Venda Jicha) was on board.
He also caused uproar on September 18, 1940, by flying a Spitfire the length of Broad Street the mile-long stretch of road in the centre of Birmingham turning the plane upside down and banking away over Centenary Square, leaving terrified shoppers in his wake. The Lord Mayor of Birmingham was making an appeal on the steps of the Civic Centre and Henshaw had been asked to perform a demonstration of the Spitfire over the city."

18 settembre 1943 - Discorso per la fondazione della R.S.I. di B. Mussolini

"Voi, aviatori, tornate accanto ai vostri camerati tedeschi ai vostri posti di pilotaggio, per rendere vana e dura l'azione nemica sulle nostre città."

18 settembre 1947 - L'USAF diventa una forza armata separata e indipendente dall'esercito

"By the last year of the war, the quantity and quality of AAF aircraft and Airmen dominated the skies over both Germany and Japan, all but paralyzing their war economies. Air power did not win the war by itself but did make possible the Allies' total victory over the Axis powers, punctuated in August 1945 when two B-29s dropped atomic bombs on Japan.
Much as it did a quarter century before, the United States immediately demobilized its armed forces after World War II. Based on the AAF's wartime achievements and future potential, however, the U.S. Air Force won its independence as a full partner with the Army and the Navy on September 18, 1947."
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