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Vecchio 28 agosto 10, 20:34   #19 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 14-05-2004
Residenza: Nel Parco Regionale del Matese (CE)
Messaggi: 4.295
Originalmente inviato da hpihl Visualizza messaggio
I'm that amico finlandese mentioned by Beppe in the first message of this thread. I don't speak Italian so sorry for the language, however, Beppe suggested that I could write here in english.

Thanks for the advices so far, I have tried to read them with online translator and despite I understood only partially, I got an impression that the conditions in the central Italy are still pretty good for sloping at late September. I have been sloping in Dolomites (Margone, Alpi di Siusi etc.) but I'm not familiar with the conditions in the Central Italy. I don't mind if the weather is cold but I'd like to have reasonable lift so I have few couple questions.

Is the lift on these slopes, Monte Catria and Vettore, based on wind or thermals? And can I see from the forecasts if I can except good conditions?

Regards, Harri from Finland
Hi Harry
In the south of Italy (200 km from Rome) the weather conditions are better than in the center
In the 2006 we had a good slope day on the 20 of november without snow!
Here you can find some of our slopes:
If interested, please send a private message to me, I will give you all the informations and my email.
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