La maggior parte dei regolatori, se attacchi la batteria e hai lo stick del gas alzato, non fanno partire il motore; devi staccare la lipo, abbassare lo stick e riaccendere, ecco come viene risolto il problema dell'eli che ti parte in faccia o sulle braccia..
Anche il soft start, da poca potenza al motore, in modo che le pale si "incastrano" subito e non fanno nulla. Comunque però, appena attacco la lipo, prontamente tengo fermo il rotore con una mano finchè tutta la procedura di avvio è completata.
Per il fail safe, cito la
pagina 20 del manuale della trasmittente spektrum dx6i, dove è spiegato molto bene cosa fa:
Smart Safe Fail-Safe
The AR6200 features the SmartSafe fail-safe system.
Prevents unintentional electric motor response on start-up.
Eliminates the possibility of over-driving servos on start-up.
Establishes low-throttle fail safe if the RF signal is lost.
Maintains last-commanded control surface position in the event of RF link interruption.Note: Fail-safe positions are stored via the stick and switch positions on the transmitter during binding.
How Smart Safe works
Smartsafe is ideal for most types of electric aircraft and is also recommended for most types of gas and glowpowered airplanes and helicopters. Heres how SmartSafe works.
Receiver Power Only
When the receiver only is turned on (no transmitter signal is present), the throttle channel has no output, to avoid operating or arming the electronic speed control. In glow-powered models, the throttle servo has no input so it
remains in its current position.
After Connection
When the transmitter is turned on, and after the receiver connects to the transmitter, normal control of all channels occurs. After the system makes a connection, if loss of signal occurs, SmartSafe drives the throttle servo only to its preset fail-safe position (low throttle) that was set during binding. All other channels hold their last position. When the signal is regained, the system immediately (less than 4 ms) regains control.
EDIT: scusa laser se ti ho sovrapposto, ma stavo scrivendo e la tua risposta ancora non c'era..