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Vecchio 05 giugno 10, 23:46   #52 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di marcus6911
Data registr.: 08-11-2006
Residenza: Capoterra-CA-(Sardegna)
Messaggi: 2.243
Originalmente inviato da aleall Visualizza messaggio
Grazie per il conforto
tranquillo vedrai che arriva tutto.gli ultimi 2 miei ordini(con spedizioni diverse),sono arrivati in circa 30 gg.Come si è detto molte volte,chi ha fretta ordina altrove.Ad ogni modo da qualche gg Hking ha messo questo avviso:
" Air transport delay.
Please be aware that the Hong Kong/China Airports have placed an increased focus on parcel security. This has delayed many orders for up to 7 days.
If you find that your order is marked as shipped but does not have a tracking number, or the tracking number isnt working, please do not be alarmed. Over the coming days the tracking numbers will be registered as the Airport filters through the backlog of parcels.
To help reduce the backlog, we're shipping out alot of orders via alternative express methods and via different countries. This is helping to reduce a possible 2-3 week backlog to around 1 week only. We are doing this at a considerable cost to us and hope you can appreciate the extra effort we're taking to avoid these delays which are out of our control.
The current delay is expected for another 7 days and we will update this message early next week or as soon as there is any change the the current status. "
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