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Vecchio 24 maggio 10, 20:45   #112 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 08-04-2007
Residenza: Nuvolera (BS)
Messaggi: 3.888
Immagini: 1
Sono riuscito a contattare Steffen Jungherz, uno degli sviluppatori di BeastX, e l'ho messo la corrente del malumore che circola.
Lui mi ha risposto così:

Hi Egidio,

sorry, at the moment I'm tu busy to translate and read all these posts, perhaps you can make a (short) conclusion what the problem is.

Most probably, I think, the actual problem is the delivery date of the MICROBEAST.

Due to the fact, that I work for BEASTX and not for freakware, I'm not absolutly sure what the actual state of delivery is, but what I know is the following:

Freakware in Kerpen (HQ) is STILL shipping MICROBEASTs.
The last delivery was quite huge, so it takes some time until all orders are completly shipped.
Here in germany holidays just started, so same work has to be done by less people, which is not always possible.

If anybody gets angry, because freakware is not delivering in time, feel free to cancel the order at any time.
Of course, we (BEASTX) and freakware are not happy with this situatuion, but we don't have more capacities.
Developing the hardware, developing MBs software, developing the PC softwares, programming & calibrating the units, testing, support, and so on... takes a lot of time. We are working nearly all day and night, and we are trying really hard to satisfy everybody!

But right now, not even all units have been shipped, so I would ask everybody to be a little bit more patient.

Best regards,
Steffen Jungherz
"Quanto più ci innalziamo, tanto più piccoli sembriamo a quelli che non possono volare" (F. N.)
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