Discussione: CLUB T-rex 250!!!
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Vecchio 16 maggio 10, 13:28   #2931 (permalink)  Top
Adv Moderator
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Data registr.: 10-05-2008
Residenza: Roseto (TE)
Messaggi: 10.508
Originalmente inviato da Blekmacigno Visualizza messaggio
Ragazzi, se volete ve lo chiedo in inglese,

do you think is a good idea put the 15g. metal plate between gyro and frame, trying to reduce vibrations and crazy tail wag at high motor speed?

Sorry for my bad english!
IMHO I wouldn't put the metal plate on a micro heli like the 250 Align.
Maybe the metal plate is needed only on bigger glow models.
Just my 2 cents.
Oxy 5, Logo 600SX
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