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Vecchio 23 aprile 10, 10:55   #145 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 09-01-2010
Messaggi: 76
Dopo una mai ainviata in mattinata di ieri ecco cosa mi hanno risposto:
Dear Sirs,

We have shipped to you via EMS ( HK post), and they will usually pass to your local EMS office once arrived at your Country. Regarding the tax, as it's under the control by your local custom, we cannot gurantee that ship via EMS will not be paying tax, hope you can understand.

The best that we could offer is US$10 as credit for your next order with us.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Un coupon di 10$ al prossimo acquisto dai non è male... eheheh
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