Originalmente inviato da flug2000 Ciao ragazzi,
ho preso questo motore in America ad un prezzo ottimo, appena arriva farò qualche prova con la wm 400, conto di montarlo sul T 33 della Velocity-rc. Dovrebbe essere una bomba! Ecco le caratteristiche:
4000 Kv (rpm/volt) 6 pole
You love the JetScreamer for its lightweight and tremendous power, now you can have the new JetScreamer 1400 (JS1400) for bigger fans and higher power setups.
The JS1400 weighs 5 3/4oz. It has a 5mm shaft with the end turned to 3.2mm with a 28.8mm diameter mounting flange. It is 33.75mm from the face of the mounting flange to the face of the motor with a 35mm motor diameter.
The JS1400 is ideally suited for 70mm fans like the Wemotech Mini Fan 480, the HET 6904, and the Velocity RC WM400. The motor adapter is pre-installed and the O-ring provides a shock dampening perfect fit in most 70mm fans. The adapter positions the motor behind the fan, directly in the airstream, providing great cooling that allows you to get tremendous power from this motor. The screw mount spacing is 16mm and 19mm to fit most stock 70mm fans.
Recommended for:
3-5 cells 80-125 amp controller
4 cells in the HET will give you 90 amps at 1250 watts
5 cells will get you over 2100 watts!! |
Ah... lo hai preso da, grande negozio direttamente legato a BOB VIOLET!! Infatti vendono il mitico BVM ELECTRA JET DA 7 KILI con la supermitica VIOFAN 120 da 9 kili di spinta.....per modici 2480 dollars!!
Sarebbe da fare... è di una qualità eccellente... l'ho visto....
le turbine sono fatte impallidire...con quel coso !!