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Vecchio 04 marzo 10, 14:10   #192 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 28-10-2005
Residenza: Ancona (ma Romano doc...)
Messaggi: 897
Quoto, dal sito RcGroups, delle semplici regole rispondenti alla c.d. diligenza del buon padre di famiglia:
"Simply rules:
Always use correct settings and double check them.
If they are not going to be used in the next few hours, they should only be at storage charge (less explosive).
Store them somewhere where you aren't going to burn the house down if they ignite. (shed, garage etc.)
Store them in a battery bunker or fireproof envelope.
NEVER charge, discharge or use damaged batteries.
Check all connections every use, charge or discharge.
Don't charge badly imbalanced cells.
Don't fast charge them if you don't need to.
NEVER leave them unattended when charging or discharging.
You should invest in a fire extinquisher, as a matter of course anyway, for your workshop."
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