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Vecchio 14 febbraio 10, 12:55   #4 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 07-03-2005
Messaggi: 647
Immagini: 1
Io non ho quel cavetto, però leggendo ho visto che dovrebbe avere un microinterrutore di fianco per selezionare le due modalità, devi naturalmente selezionare FMS.

Quando hai fatto così prova a vedere sotto periferiche di gioco se vedi qualcosa. Se non si muove prova a fare la calibrazione.

Altrimenti prova a vedere se questo ti può aiutare (è uno dei commenti sotto all'articolo che hai linkato)

After some playing around, and a bit of luck, I've now got it working. First, when the USB plug cover fell off I found a minute switch on the side of the plug marked 'XTR - FMS' - this is now set to FMS Still wasn't recognised in FMS, so into Control Panel, select Game Controllers you should see one titled FMS, click on advanced and select FMS as the default controller. I went through the calibration panels, but as the tx doesn't have a button to press the Windows calibration doesn't acknowledge the settings. FMS, however, now recognised the TX as a joystick. Note: the transmitter must be switched on, and will be radiating at 2.4Ghz as normal, this lead doesn't switch it into trainer-slave mode, ie cut the rf section. It does make FMS much nicer than the nasty pseudo transmitter I tried it with before. Still doesn't give realistic fixed wing handling but that's not the leads fault. Ain't choppers awkward bloody contrivances? Getting the simulated Hughes off the ground was easy-peasy, but trying to get it back down in one piece?
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