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Vecchio 20 gennaio 10, 14:45   #52 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 06-10-2008
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info da HK sul rilascio dei nuovi Ely

Posto queste info prese direttamente dal sito HK e quindi in lingua inglese
sul rilascio dei nuovi Ely speriamo economici.......

600GT, 450Pro & 700GT Heli's too arrive soon.
Our HK-600GT all alloy/CF helicopter will be arriving at around the 10th of January. The 450Pro is based on the Align 450 Pro and will be available mid January. Also we have a 700GT helicopter in production now and the expected release date is around April 2010.
We will be introducing a new range of high performance heli motors specifically designed for our 450, 500 and 600 size heli's. Thes have an estimated release date of late February.
prossimamente Dji spero!!!!!!!!!!
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