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Vecchio 09 gennaio 10, 17:24   #541 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 10-08-2008
Residenza: Siracusa
Messaggi: 1.253
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################################################## #####
# Castle Link Data File
# Created: sabato 9 gennaio 2010
# Do Not Edit This File By Hand
################################################## #####
Hex55: 85
Brake Strength: 0
Brake Delay: .6 sec (Delayed) (*)
Brake Ramp: Immediate (*)
Cutoff Type: Soft Cutoff
Motor Start Power: 39
Direction: Forward (*)
PWM Rate: Outrunner Mode (*)
Current Limiting: Normal (70A) (*)
Cutoff Voltage: Auto Li-Po (*)
Motor Timing: 5
Vehicle Type: Helicopter
Throttle Type: Governor Mode
Throttle Response: 5
Governor Gain: 7
Initial Spool-Up Rate: 5
Head Speed Change Rate: 5
Auto Rotate Enabled: True
Governor Mode Type: Fixed
Vehicle Setup - Battery Type: LiPo
Vehicle Setup - Number of Cells: 3
Vehicle Setup - Battery Voltage: 11,1000
Vehicle Setup - Gear Ratio: 12,500
Vehicle Setup - Motor Kv: 3450
Vehicle Setup - Motor Number of Poles: 6
Desired Head Speed 1: 2001
Desired Head Speed 2: 2316
Desired Head Speed 3: 2617
Data Log Enabled: 255
Sample Frequency: 5 Sample / Sec (*)
BEC Voltage: 5
Power-On Beep: Enabled (*)
Auto-Lipo Volts/Cell: 3.0 Volts/Cell (*)

Il motore è questo:
HobbyKing Online R/C Hobby Store : Turnigy Typhoon 450H 2218H Heli Motor 3450kv (450 class) $13.38

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