Discussione: Club e-flite Blade mSR
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Vecchio 05 gennaio 10, 00:04   #2320 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 25-11-2003
Messaggi: 26
Originalmente inviato da sharkmax Visualizza messaggio
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Ho intenzione di comprare questo modello.
Sicuramente prenderò l'RTF con radio mode 1.
Allora vi chiedo:
Esiste secondo voi un qualsiasi modo per invertire il gas (leva in basso = 100% gas) sulla radio "di serie"?
Vi ringrazio in anticipo.
Dal manuale sembrerebbe di si:
If at any time during the test the controls respond in the opposite direction, it may
be necessary to reverse/change the direction of operation of the flight controls.
Follow these steps to change the direction of the various flight controls:
• Be certain that the battery is disconnected from the battery lead of the 5-in-1
control unit and the transmitter is turned off.
18 19
• Push down on the appropriate digital trim button on the transmitter for the control
you would like to change the direction of. For example:
Top elevator trim button—elevator channel normal
Bottom elevator trim button—elevator channel reversed
Left aileron trim button—aileron channel normal
Right aileron trim button—aileron channel reversed
• Continue to hold the appropriate trim button while turning the transmitter on.
• Hold the digital trim button down for approximately five seconds, until a series of
beeps/tones are heard confirming the selection.

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