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Vecchio 19 dicembre 09, 19:41   #4013 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 20-06-2007
Residenza: dintorni di Venezia
Messaggi: 5.234
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gia' che ci sono ti copio la parte di help riguardante quella funzione:
This mode adds a small window above zero throttle (1.0ms to 1.1ms) in which the motor is notpowered, but an increase in throttle, such as bailing out of an autorotation, will use the faster "Head Speed Change Rate" to get back to the governed speed instead of the much slower "Initial Spool-Up Rate". This will allow a gentle initial spool-up AND a very fast recovery from an auto-rotation maneuver. Any throttle below 1.0ms will be treated as total throttle-off. All throttle increases from this zero throttle position will use the "Initial Spool-Up Rate".

se non sai l'inglese te la traduco senza problemi, ciao
2x Prôtos Carbon Stretch FBL:MKS9660 / MKS9670 + BEASTX detti "i gemelli"
Acrobat Shark FBL +BEASTX detto "Emmenthal / Mucca"
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