Discussione: setup vasafan 90
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Vecchio 15 dicembre 09, 01:14   #5 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 05-07-2004
Residenza: vengo da sinistraaaaa
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Originalmente inviato da S_Ciambra Visualizza messaggio
Dal manuale del Cyclon Power Areo 110:

5.Timing setup : Automatic/ Low / High.
* Automatic - ESC automatically determines the optimum motor timing
* Low (7-22 deg) - Setting for most 2 pole motors.
* High(22-30 deg) - Setting for motors with 6 or more poles.
In most cases, automatic timing works well for all types of motors.However for high efficiency we recommend the Low timing
setting for 2 pole motors (general in-runners) and high timing for 6 poles and above (general outrunners). For higher speed,
High timing can be set. Some motors require different timing setups therefore we suggest you to follow the manufacturer
recommended setup or use the automatic timing setting if you are unsure.
Note: Run your motor on the ground first after making any changes to your motor timing!

manca il medium!!!!!!
Tendenza: Chuck Yeager Volatile: Aquila Elemento: Titanio
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