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Vecchio 11 settembre 09, 08:45   #15 (permalink)  Top
Adv Moderator
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Data registr.: 11-04-2006
Residenza: Roma
Messaggi: 7.610
Sorry MRK 89 ma dovevi guardare nella seconda sezione (Specs) dove c'è la riga (in rosso):

Microprocessor controlled
Delta-peak sensitivity
Individual cell balancing
Li-ion, LiPo and LiFe capable
Ni-Cd and NiMH capable
Large range of charge currents
Store function, allows safe storage current
Time limit function
Input voltage monitoring. (Protects car batteries at the field)
Data storage (Store up to 5 packs in memory)
Battery break in and cycling.

Input Voltage: 11~18v
Circuit power: Max Charge: 50W / Max Discharge: 5W
Charge Current Range: .1~5.0A
Discharge current range: .1~1.0A
Ni-MH/NiCd cells: 1~15
Li-ion/Poly cells: 1~6
Pb battery voltage: 2~20v
Weight: 580g
Dimensions: 133x87x33mm



Non si è mai troppo vecchi per imparare, non si è mai troppo giovani per insegnare.....
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