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Vecchio 25 agosto 09, 16:21   #51 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di pierrecruset
Data registr.: 18-10-2005
Residenza: Saluzzo (CN)
Messaggi: 1.580
Ecco le risposte del cinese:

Hi Pierre,

You could let me know how many pieces and which models you need.

I will make special offer for you.

No problem!

I would like to have more users discussing my gliders on your forum.



e poi ancora riguardo la disponibilià dello speedo:

No worry, I could reserve for you this time. I will have a new batch available next few days!
Se non vedi le cose negative del mondo che ti circonda vivi in un paradiso per idioti» (Jaggi Vasudev)
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