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Vecchio 06 agosto 09, 13:56   #2 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 13-05-2007
Residenza: Bologna
Messaggi: 3.173
Immagini: 69
sto trovando: sono menu che dovrebbero essere bloccati:

Sorry for the delay.

The "Basic" menu is normally "locked" to the user. In the desktop software, it is still locked, but the menu item shows up.

So there is nothing to access there. If the ECU was unlocked for factory maintanance, then these menus would show up.

Also, there is a new version of the desktop software that should be available for download next week, it fixes a few installation issues and the like.

Good luck and let me know if you need anything,



JetCat rep have a rather old ECU and I assumed you had older firmware that was "unlocked". You probably have newer firmware that has a pump adjust menu visible............

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