Discussione: hobbycity
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Vecchio 21 luglio 09, 11:06   #1240 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 05-05-2006
Residenza: Siena ( e sottolineo: SIENA )
Messaggi: 4.584
Originalmente inviato da marcus6911 Visualizza messaggio
tranquillo.... come ha spiegato un altro utente HC ha aumentato la forza lavoro,quindi i prossimi ordini dovrebbero partire prima...

Dear Customer.
We would like to apologise for the delays in shipping orders out and we want to assure you we're working very hard to have all orders filled as quickly as possible.
For your information; Currently it is taking us around 6 to 7 days to have orders shipped out. However with the increase in warehouse staff we hope to have this back down to 48hrs within 3 weeks. We have recruited several new warehouse staff members and increased work hours in an attempt to fill orders as quickly as possible over the coming weeks.
Again, we apologise for the delay and the inconvenience this may have caused you.

Everyone at HobbyKing.com
mah, sarà.........il mio ultimo ordine, fatto il 13 scorso, ancora risulta da processare
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