Originalmente inviato da Sebas86 Ti riferisci agli sconti che fanno in base al valore speso?Ovvero...
If Your Order Totals: YOU SAVE
$100.00 - $149.99 $10.00
$150.00 - $174.99 $15.00
$175.00 - $199.99 $20.00
$200.00 - $224.99 $25.00
$225.00 or more $30.00
La mia spesa non supera i 200$. Conosci altre offerte? io sul sito ho trovato solo questa
Grazie! |
Un po' magri
Le offerte che mi arrivano con le news letter sono così
Prova magari a registrarti che non costa niente ed è anche una comodità.
Special Savings for International Customers
12 Ways to Save Plus
Tower Hobbies understands that international customers could use some extra R/C savings. Place a qualifying order and for a limited time we'll subtract up to $250.00 from the total. All you have to do is click on the appropriate ad number in the list below and it will be placed in your shopping cart. The more you order, the more you save.
If Your Order Totals: YOU SAVE Use Ad#
$100.00 - $149.99 $20.00 011AB
$150.00 - $199.99 $30.00 011AC
$200.00 - $249.99 $45.00 011AD
$250.00 - $299.99 $60.00 011AE
$300.00 - $399.99 $75.00 011AF
$400.00 - $499.99 $100.00 011AG
$500.00 - $599.99 $125.00 011AH
$600.00 - $699.99 $150.00 011AJ
$700.00 - $799.99 $175.00 011AK
$800.00 - $899.99 $200.00 011AL
$900.00 - $999.99 $225.00 011AM
$1000.00 or more $250.00 011AN
This special international offer is yours exclusively and you must order using this e-mail address. Offer is not retroactive. Please, only one promotional ad number per order.