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Vecchio 01 luglio 09, 23:19   #4 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di cesede
Data registr.: 29-06-2005
Residenza: portici
Messaggi: 336
è VAI !!!!!!!!!!

come ho potuto capire non è stata accettata la mia car

la mia è la postepay

mi è giunta l'email da tower hobbies

Dear Tower Hobbies Customer, Thank you for your recent credit card order from Tower Hobbies.
We regret that we were unable to process your order (Order Number 167 997265) as we could not obtain authorization for the charge.
Your credit card is not accepting the charge. Is there an alternate credit card that you would like us to use for this order? You may also contact us to make sure that we have the correct credit card number, expiration date, and security code as there may have been a typing error when the order was placed. If the credit card declined due to an incorrect card number, expiration date, or security code, please remember to make the necessary corrections and save the corrected information on your account in order to eliminate unnecessary delays of future orders.
If you do not have an alternate card to use you can mail a check or money order for your order to:
Tower Hobbies
PO Box 9078
Champaign IL 61826-9078

Please contact us as soon as possible so that we can complete your order. You can contact us by email or telephone at 1-800-637-6050(toll free) or (217) 398-3636 (non toll free). We can also be reached via fax at (217) 356-6608. We are holding your order for you and will make three attempts to contact you. If we do not receive a response we will have to cancel your order. Also, please be aware that if we are asked to retry the credit card or the new credit card given declines the charge, the order will automatically be canceled without notification.
We appreciate your time and your business with us.
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