visto che è pertinente all' argomento inserisco questa tabella riassuntiva dei led presa da
Definitive LED meanings. - RC-Monster Forums
The LED's can have different meanings depending on what you are doing. Hopefully this makes some sense, if you have any questions, just post a reply and I'll do what I can to help clear things up. This applies only to our car controllers (Mamba Monster, Mamba Max, Sidewinder Micro, Mamba Micro Pro, Mamba 25)
If you are not calibrating and have no throttle input then:
Flashing Red and Yellow = over temp
Flashing Green and Yellow = low voltage cut-off(battery)
Flashing Green OR Red = Speed control has not been calibrated and is not armed; or throttle sub-trim is not at 0.
Solid Green OR Red = should not happen when at neutral, indicates full throttle/reverse
Flashing Yellow = possible problem with controller
Solid Yellow = indicates neutral and armed
Flashing all colors = speed control is not receiving a valid signal from the receiver, usually indicates the receiver wire is plugged in backwards into the receiver; possible problem with controller or with throttle channel on receiver.
If you are applying throttle or reverse when NOT calibrating:
Flashing Red and Yellow = over temp
Flashing Green and Yellow = low voltage cut-off(battery)
Flashing Green OR Red = indicates partial throttle (green) or reverse (red)
Solid Green OR Red = indicates full throttle (green) or reverse (red)
Flashing Yellow = possible problem with control
Solid Yellow = should never happen
Flashing all colors = speed control is not receiving a valid signal from the receiver, usually indicates the receiver wire is plugged in backwards into the receiver; possible problem with controller or with throttle channel on receiver.
If you are applying throttle or reverse WHEN calibrating:
Flashing Red and Yellow = should not happen when calibrating
Flashing Green and Yellow = should not happen when calibrating
Flashing Green OR Red while beeping = indicates speed control is looking for full throttle (green) or full throttle (red). If it continues for more than ~ 8 seconds, indicates speed control is seeing partial throttle (green) or reverse (red), increase endpoints on transmitter so speed control sees full throttle/reverse.
Solid Green OR Red = indicates full throttle (green) or reverse (red) has been read
Flashing Yellow = speed control is not seeing a valid neutral signal, check your transmitters throttle sub-trim is at zero, exponential is set to 0 or linear, and mixing is disabled.
Solid Yellow = indicates neutral has calibrated and is armed
Flashing all colors = speed control is not receiving a valid signal from the receiver. Usually indicates the receiver wire is plugged in backwards into the receiver; also happens when speed control has accepted a calibration setting (throttle, reverse or neutral) and flashes/chimes 4 times before moving to next calibration point; or problem with throttle channel on receiver.
Again if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Thomas Porfert
Castle Tech Support
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