Originalmente inviato da ebonomi mi hanno scritto questa mail...cosa significa? |
Dice di mandare qel che non funziona a questo tale John; è un consulente imparziale, non c'entra nulla con l'aziend, decide lui e ha lui l'ultima parola. O accetti questa situazione, o è inutile che gli spedisci nulla.
Accettano solo oggetti in perfetto stato, che non siano stati modificati in alcun modo (nemmeno con saldature, incollaggi o roba così). In nessun caso accettano cose che siano state aperte, e ti ricorda che le batterie sono state controllate e bilanciate prima della spedizione.
Gli oggetti che risultassero senza difetti o con difetto dovuti all'incuria del proprietario, non saranno restituiti se non dietro una penale del 30% del valore più le spese di spedizione.
Includi un biglietto che spiea con chiarezza il difetto, METTI IL TUO NOME E IL NUMERO DI FATTURA, sennò non aprono nemmeno la pratica.
se invece il difetto c'è, sarai risarcito.
John Whitehead
94 Queen Street
Kingswinford, DY6 7AG
West Midlands, United Kingdom
John is an independent, holds no stock and gives an unbiased opinion. His decision is final and we have no say on it. We ask you to respect it. It is pointless sending something to him if you don't.
Please not that we will not accept any items that have been damaged, dismantled or modified in any way by the end user, this includes soldering / gluing etc, leads cut or shortened, connectors exchanged. We obviously cannot accept items that have been opened as we can't return them back to our suppliers. All RC suppliers have this policy, not just us. All batteries are checked for being shorted and balanced cells before going out.
If any product is returned to us and found not to be defective or has been damaged as a direct result of misuse a surcharge will be incurred, as will returned postage. Goods found not to be faulty will not be returned to the customer until we receive the surcharge payment of 30% of the cost of the item. We have to pay to get the goods checked.
Put a cover note in there, explaining. No inspection of goods will be made if sender fails to provide full details and fault description.
PLEASE MAKE SURE NAME, TICKET NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF FAULT SETUP AND ANY OTHER RELEVANT DETAILS ARE INCLUDED. No inspection of goods will be made if sender fails to provide full details and fault description.
If requested we will put the results along with all email correspondence on the Giantcod forum to ensure transparency which should ensure you are treated fairly.
It will be checked and if found to be at fault it will be refunded.