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Vecchio 21 novembre 05, 22:22   #2 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di Albytech
Data registr.: 12-10-2005
Residenza: Treviso
Messaggi: 503
Originalmente inviato da Ivan2280
Ciao dovrei fare dei fori in alcuni magneti al neodimio,è possibile?Ieri ho provato ma ho fatto fuori 2 punte per trapani in appena 3-4 minuti.Datemi qualche consiglio.Grazie!

Da Supermagnete.DE:
Drilling, Cutting, Gluing or Other Processing
The best method for securing a NdFeB magnet is to sink and glue it. Under no circumstances should you try to cut, saw or drill the magnet! Not only would the magnet break, but the resulting dust from the magnet is very flammable. Our magnets should only be modified using special water-cooled diamond-head cutting tools. Keep all NdFeB magnets away from open flames and high temperatures. (By the way, in temperatures above 80 degrees Celsius, NdFeB magnets quickly lose their magnetic properties.)
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