Hyperion G3 Hybrid Rs Nano Technology
Gent.li clienti , anche se non è ns abitudine scrivere sul forum , ritengo di fare cosa gradita per maggiore chiarezza sulle caratteristiche tecniche della nuova serie di lipo Hyperion G3 Cx 25C e G3 Vx 35C copiare quanto scritto in questi giorni da David Redfort ( titolare della Hyperion ) sul forum Americano RcGroups e precisamente :
The vast majority of the RC lipo on the market till now use an internal construction arrangement called "stacked". This results in quick-response delivery of high C rates, relatively low cost of production, and a relatively light battery. However, life-cycle performance is relatively poor with the stacked arrangement, and cells tend to drift faster (ie imbalance in a pack).
The other possibility before was a "rolled" technique. Rolled construction leads to longer life performance, but at higher cost of production and slightly reduced energy and power density.
G3 are the first (to my knowledge) to use a hybrid arrangement of rolled and stacked techniques. Combined with very fine (not quite "nano", shoot me!)and tightly controlled substrate mixtures, this hybrid is delivering both super power performance and many more usable cycles.
On top of that, we have no issues with 5C charge rates...
e relativamente alla possibilità di ricarica a pacco caldo :
...If the pack is feels very warm (say 45 deg C which feels slightly uncomfortable to the touch) then yes I'd let them cool down a few minutes. But the charge is endothermic, so you don't need to let them get cold before charging.
Nella speranza di esservi stato utile , una Buona Pasqua a tutti .
Rodolfo Mattis
Hyperion Italia Distribution