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Vecchio 03 aprile 09, 17:57   #114 (permalink)  Top
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Data registr.: 19-08-2008
Residenza: Verona e dintorni
Messaggi: 1.888
Prova 500

Finalmente ha smesso di piovere... oggi ho provato il Tarot 500 (clone trex).

Tutto ok... ho aumentao il soft start (Initial Spool-Up Rate: 2) cosi per gusto...

Unica cosa nel cambio Normal/Idle1 mi sbacchetta un pelo... dovrei provare a cambiare l' Head Speed Change Rate ... ma oggi non sono riuscito perché sono dovuto scappare... (non ho provato Idle2 perché mi caxxavo sotto )

Qualche suggerimento boys?
Questi i settaggi impostati oggi.

Brake Strength: 50
Brake Delay: .6 sec (Delayed) (*)
Brake Ramp: Immediate (*)
Current Limiting: Insensitive
Cutoff Voltage: Auto Li-Po (*)
Cutoff Type: Soft Cutoff
Motor Start Power: 59
Motor Timing: 5
Direction: Forward (*)
PWM Rate: 12 Khz (*)
Hex55: 85
Vehicle Type: Helicopter
Throttle Type: Governor Mode
Throttle Response: 5
Governor Gain: 5
Initial Spool-Up Rate: 2
Head Speed Change Rate: 5
Auto Rotate Enabled: True
Governor Mode Type: Fixed
Vehicle Setup - Battery Type: LiPo
Vehicle Setup - Number of Cells: 6
Vehicle Setup - Battery Voltage: 22,2000
Vehicle Setup - Gear Ratio: 10,797
Vehicle Setup - Motor Kv: 1400
Vehicle Setup - Motor Number of Poles: 10
Desired Head Speed 1: 2363
Desired Head Speed 2: 2555
Desired Head Speed 3: 2760
Tarot 500 alias Trex 500 foto | Tarot 450 alias Trex 450SeV2 | MD500Hughes Tarot450SeV2 *Hitec Optic6 + Corona 2.4* + EasyStar II
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