19 marzo 09, 19:21
#6 (permalink)
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Guest | Update - The Dynamax Reloaded RC Groups - New Thrust test stand: Citazione:
OK, so I got orders from the thread for 4 test stands. Probably be 4 to 6 weeks to fab them. As soon as I have concrete numbers on the exact cost I'll let you guys know, and you can Paypal me. Now for the fans. I have 3 new versions of fans to test. The first is a 90mm (3.5"). It has 9 blades and 8 stators. I have several motors to test with it, Nue, Medusa, and Hacker. The second fan is 4" fan with 11 blades and 8 stators. The third fan is 4.5", with 9 blades and 8 stators. The fans are 100% aircraft grade aluminum, with exception of the rotor, and stator blades. The center body which hold the motor is also a heat sink for the motor, as you can see the fins machined into it. The rotor and stator blade are from the Dynamax. The stators are just cut down to the approiate size for the fan. The rotor blades however are machined so they fit in the hub being used. Since the diameters of the hubs are different I also make a new hub, using the same concept of locking the blades to the hub as the orginal Dynamax.The initial testing of the 90mm fan produced over 10 lbs of thrust, I hope to have real numbers next week. Stay Tuned !. As for cost, probably in the $400 to $500 range. All the machining really runs the cost up.
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