volevo segnalare un thread su,
da cui stanno uscendo le magagne della nuova fantastica 14MZ e anche della sua progenitrice T9Z... roba da mettersi le mani nei capelli, a dire poco...
qualche estratto:
"The problem I have with the 14 MZ is that every potentially good feature seems to have a downside. It's like opening the chocolate box to find it half empty...
It has a 2.2 AH Lithium battery, but can only manage a 2-3 hours on a single charge. Not good enough for soarers. How can Futaba have the cheek to trumpet battery duration as a strong point??
It has a technically complex synthesiser system - but no scanner.
It has interchangeable RF modules - but you can't change them because of the stoopid region locking. <-- NON SI PUO' CAMBIARE MODULO (E QUINDI BANDA) NONOSTANTE ABBIA IL MODULO RIMOVIBILE!!
It has so-called 'real time servo response' - but takes several seconds to boot up from cold (according to the manual).
It uses Windows CE for the user interface, but the UI looks like MS-DOS with buttons, and doesn't appear particularly well designed."
... e ancora: (questa è bellissima)
"An outright advertising lie by Futaba. The time it quotes for its "real-time response" is simply the same time as a decades old PPM radio. They are squeezing more channels into that time, but the elevator, aileron etc are not going to respond any faster to the control sticks than they would on a mid-1970s PPM radio. Is that something they should be claiming is a new advanced feature in their adverts? It's really an admission that its other PCM radios such as the 9Z are NOT real-time response. "
ancora un pò:
Dalla FAQ ufficiale della 14MZ:
"My radio's Windows system crashed!! Now what do I do? I turned my radio off after setting up my plane and when I flipped it back on, there were no settings in it at all!
If you shut down your radio and did not give it the full time to completely shut itself down (see page 25 of your manual) then you will need to re-enter all of your model data. It's basically like a typical computer, and needs to go through the "SAVE" mode at shutdown. "
e ancora:
"The 14MZ is advertised as having 7 wing types available, but when I go into set my model up I only get 4 showing? What's wrong with my transmitter?
There are 7 wing types available to you, only in PCM2048 G3, as in this mode there are 12 linear channels available. Only 4 wing types are available in PCM1024 and PPM/FM mode, as only 8 linear channels are available. "
...a voi le conclusioni... personalmente sono deluso