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Discussione: 170 yamada
Visualizza messaggio singolo
Vecchio 18 dicembre 08, 19:53   #24 (permalink)  Top
Marco m&m
L'avatar di Marco m&m
Data registr.: 09-07-2005
Residenza: Rimini
Messaggi: 6.645
Originalmente inviato da toio!! Visualizza messaggio
I have been thinking about the oil percentage, but I can not see how using a spark plug would allow to reduce the oil content, in fact being able to run with a leaner mixture will reduce the amount of oil entering the engine. On gas engines I understand that you can use a much lower oil content because of the lubricant properties of gasoline (not the case with methanol). Anybody can help explain this?

Ecco la spiegazione:

With a glow, the moment and duration of ignition of fuel is not controled.
When there is compression, ignition starts and temperature in cylinder increases.
So oil is used not only to lubrifiate but also to refresh. That what is oil is about 20 or 22 %. With Electronic Spark, ignition is at the good moment. So oil is only used to lubrifiate. 15 to 17 % methanol replaces oil and gives to engine more power.

Per Artù

Il kit per la trasformazione del 170 glow dovrebbe essere disponibile con la fine di Gennaio 2009 (peso totale 4,5 once = 128 grammi.....):

Probuild News
Sai se andrà bene anche per il 160 oltre che per il 170??
Ciao da Marco m&m

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