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Vecchio 10 agosto 05, 10:09   #3 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 03-08-2005
Messaggi: 3
Originally posted by ron_van_sommeren@06 agosto 2005, 23:35
That table is on Ralph Okon's excellent motorbuilding site (English and German)

About the so called 'mini-lrk', the name is a bit misleading. This is a 6 statorpole motor and cannot be wound as an lrk, it should be wound cd-rom, ABCABC. But you have had successes with it so I guess you were not mislead by its name
Right,Ron.... I mean really 'mini lrk' , six pole motors in different configurations... It was my first experience with Brushless motors, then I tryed twelve pole and actually I'm working only with nine or twelve pole stators....
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