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Vecchio 03 agosto 08, 18:18   #36 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di ron_van_sommeren
Data registr.: 26-12-2003
Residenza: near Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Messaggi: 512
Excellent motorbuilding articles by Brian Mulder,they cover the all the basics, a must read:
Southern Soaring Club Homepage - Radio Controlled Thermal Soarers
-> Articles by SouthEasterners.
-> Electric Motors - part 1-5

Do-it-yourself motor homepages, manuals/tutorials, checks and tests in this motor builders tips and tricks thread. The checks and tests may save you from frying your controller or motor. Thread is active, bookmark it for future reference and subscribe to it:
cd-rom tricks - RC Groups (sticky thread, at top of that subforum)

The ‘bible’
Translated version of

Two instructive motor winding/assembly videos, 14 & 10Mbyte respectively (cd-rom and lrk have different winding diagrams!)
YouTube - Motor winding #1
YouTube - Motor winding #2

Vriendelijke groeten Ron van Sommeren
• int. electric fly-in, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
• brushless motor building tips & tricks
• diy brushless motor discussion group
• Drive Calculator download & discussion group
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