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Vecchio 03 agosto 05, 23:15   #3 (permalink)  Top
L'avatar di andykaw1
Data registr.: 29-07-2005
Residenza: Pesaro & Castagneto Carducci
Messaggi: 1.206
mah sarà la luce di casa ma io di fumo non ne vedo....cmq sul fogliettino (striminzito) che danno con il motore c'è scritto:
The engine is set for medium revolution with richer fuel mix. After 15 min. of running tune the engine for top speed. If it will run for one minute without speed drop, then the running-in periode is finished. If the revolution drops , the procedure must be repeated. As soon the engine has stopped it shall be necessary to tighten the all bolts. The engine can be fitted into the model aftrer having been run-in.
fine trasmissioni....
o io ci provo ma lui non fuma....
Jamara LX One S.E. powered SH Engine, ported by MaGu LRP S8BX Team Edition, powered by MaGu Engine E gli altri stanno a guardare....
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