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Vecchio 08 febbraio 13, 22:18   #69 (permalink)  Top
Data registr.: 27-03-2009
Residenza: Calcio
Messaggi: 3.406
AndroPilot e VRBRAIN

Riporto un articolo postato da Oyvind un nostro utente internazionale di VRBrain , mi sembra un setup interessante .... che ne dite ?

Some more information on my setup to test the Andropilot app using VRBRAIN

In my test, I use:
- My great VRBRAIN Controller running the latest 2.9 firmware
- 3DR Radio Telemetry Kit - 433Mhz
- USB OTG adapter
- Google Nexus 7 tablet (other android Tablets and Phones can be used)
- The Andropilot Application

The 3DR Radio module is Connected to the telemetry com port on my VRBRAIN (TX, RX; GND and +5V)
In the image, I Power my VRBRAIN using the USB cable.
No hacking - all Plug and Play :-)

Original blog post :
Andropilot - Android ground controller - FOXTEAM UAV CLAN
Icone allegate
VRBRAIN by VirtualRobotix-andropilotvrbrain.jpg  
Virtual Robotix ( Arducopter DEVTEAM )
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