04 febbraio 09, 21:06
#22 (permalink)
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Originalmente inviato da luca.masali attenzione, ciò è vero a parità di diametro | Ciò è vero a parità di potenza e di area (Cfr. Lezioni di AERODINAMICA DELL'ALA ROTANTE, Parte I - Aerodinamica dell'elica, Figura 3.4): Citazione:
Originalmente inviato da luca.masali nessuno vieta di intubare un'elica grande, come nel meraviglioso Caproni Stipa | Development of a 32 Inch Diameter Levitated Ducted Fan Conceptual Design: Citazione:
The NASA John H. Glenn Research Center has developed a revolutionary 32 in. diameter Levitated Ducted Fan (LDF) conceptual design. The objective of this work is to develop a viable non-contact propulsion system utilizing Halbach arrays for all-electric flight, and many other applications. This concept will help to reduce harmful emissions, reduce the Nation's dependence on fossil fuels, and mitigate many of the concerns and limitations encountered in conventional aircraft propulsors. The physical layout consists of a ducted fan drum rotor with blades attached at the outer diameter and supported by a stress tuner ring at the inner diameter. The rotor is contained within a stator. This concept exploits the unique physical dimensions and large available surface area to optimize a custom, integrated, electromagnetic system that provides both the levitation and propulsion functions. The rotor is driven by modulated electromagnetic fields between the rotor and the stator. When set in motion, the time varying magnetic fields interact with passive coils in the stator assembly to produce repulsive forces between the stator and the rotor providing magnetic suspension. LDF can provide significant improvements in aviation efficiency, reliability, and safety, and has potential application in ultra-efficient motors, computers, and space power systems.
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